Slax author's Blog (RSS)
Slax 9.3 beta 1 ready for download
I am almost ready to release the next Slax version. But before I do so, I would like to get some feedback on the current progress. So I've prepared a beta release, you can download Slax 9.3 beta from here:
In order to better organize feedback from users, lets use google groups. It is a mailing list, everybody should be able to send a message to it, and if you join the group, you'll also get answers from other users.
Get in touch here:
You can of course post a comment in this blog as well, but using the mailing list should be more beneficial for everybody. Lets see how it goes :)
This beta release includes the following changes:
Enjoy the beta release!
If everything goes smoothly, we should have next Slax in a week.

User comments

This is a short comment to Igor above,
I think Thomas said that he prefers to keep the base system small and sufficiently useful, primarily due to - I think - maintenance work that is associated with the project. The more programs are put into one release, the more the maintenance work may go up.
I also think that in principle, when SLAX works fine, people should be able to easily re-master it at will. After all that was one of the areas where SLAX really excelled which is to really customize it to your needs. I do not know if that process changed, but in the past you could put your modules together (via squashfs... or aufs... I already forgot) and then burn it or put it onto a USB stick. I usually went the "burn onto DVD" route. :)
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you mean - I for one would also want to have a FAT dvd with kde and gnome included :) but its Thomas' work & time investment to a huge degree, so he has to make the main decision where he can invest time. And lots of people may have different use cases, wants and needs so that list will grow ... ;) - best overall approach may be to have people be able to mix in the modules together and have things work (which may be more and more difficult the more and more components you put into a system, though - kde and gnome are IMO quite annoying, xfce is a lot easier).

I understand all this perfectly.
But I want slax to be convenient from the start.
The purpose of our comments is just this.
I suggested not heavy applications.
For example, the button for saving changes to the sb module.
I found an error
at start eg from = / slax93
The slax deactivate module is moved to / slax / module
slax activate module moves to / slax / module

It will be better, if bay default Slax run Firefox browser.
Firefox is more customizable & support adons for safe browsing, download,
looks better, run fast

I think there will be better small browser like Midori, anything else can be apt installed...

are u planning to publish light version of slax? (under 50MB)
like no wifi drivers or no chrome.
packages should be easy to put it in iso file ( like ready )

What do you think about the Vivaldi browser as an optional module?

it is not good time to create some new package repository like in old Slax? people asking for different apps like browsers and other stuff...

I switched to Debian for two reasons, to make my life easier, and to allow users to install all the software they need with simple command (apt). There is no need for repository with packages for Slax anymore...

it is very difficult to get rid of the idea that this is no longer The Slax :)
perhaps he should be renamed after all ;)
but, you are right... after problem with wifi is resolved, there is no need for more or another modules :P

The reason I was asking about the Vivaldi browser is that there are some apps (or the latest versions of some apps) not yet available in the Debian repositories, so we cannot directly install this apps.
In this example, we need to do some other additional steps to install Vivaldi, like adding additional repositories using a script made by someone else:

Vivaldi browser is using chromium inside. And it is 20 MB bigger module than chromium itself. I see some cool features, but not worth the 20MB increase and troubles with configuring apt sources.

I understand your point.
I just want to ask if it would be possible to have modules for some apps like Vivaldi or newer versions of other apps (which cannot be installed using the Debian repositories)?
These modules could be created by community members and made available for others in the slax-users group...

I don't like this Google groups page.
I'd like to help you to create and maintain a very simple forum; also a minimal wiki could be useful.
Furthermore some special packages (or community respins of SLAX) could help users to get what they need out of the box.

I am a kinda new to linux, please overlook my ignorance
Setup: Slax on a VM, with 400MB hdd
Problem: After a reboot, I get the message ' slax looking for slax data in /slax '
Here are my steps
root@slax:$ cd /
root@slax:/$ lsblk
root@slax:/$ fdisk /dev/sda
root@slax:/$ fdisk d
root@slax:/$ fdisk n
root@slax:/$ fdisk w
root@slax:/$ mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda
root@slax:/$ lsblk
root@slax:/$ mkdir /mnt/sda
root@slax:/$ mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda
root@slax:/$ mkdir /mtn/cdrom
root@slax:/$ mount /dev/sr0 mtn/cdrom
root@slax:/$ cd /mnt/cdrom
root@slax:/$ cp -rf slax /mtn/sda
root@slax:/$ cd /mnt/sda1/slax/boot
root@slax:/$ ./
Slax does seem to install but on reboot I get the error message. Any help would be appreciated

you should make a partition, like /dev/sda1 and make filesystem on that partition, not on a whole disk.

This will be going to find out the working process which needs the downloading process where it will be managed the part so will guide the user to get the slax 9.2 beta.

Hey Admin,
I really appreciate your effort of sharing information with us. Your article never fails to add useful information to my knowledge. Thanks for sharing with us.
<a href="">App Development San Diego</a>

Dear Mr. Thomas. Thank you very much for your work.
I'm using slax 6.1.2 from 2010 so far.
I think it's worth adding to the basic set of slax 9:
menu flubox for save canges to
menu flubox lxrandr
I have a question about how to run the application after a flubox like xrandr?
I think it makes sense to make the TDE trinity module for slax 9
Only not KDE4 not KDE5 is a dead end branch of evolution;) it seems to me.
Yours faithfully